Are your earplugs effectively protecting you from irreversible hearing loss and related health conditions including dementia?
If you’re an employer, are you properly protecting your staff and reducing the risk of hearing loss compensation claims?
In less than 10 minutes…
The do-anywhere do-it-yourself online test will immediately tell you whether your earplugs are properly protecting you from gradual hearing loss, tinnitus, and conditions such as dementia that have been scientifically linked to losing your hearing.
No special equipment is needed, just your earplugs, a pair of headphones, and an internet-connected desktop computer, laptop, or tablet. Take the test now for just £4.95 (including a free retest if your earplugs aren’t fitted correctly or fail the first time around).
Did you know…

According to the UK’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE), only 60% of workers using hearing protection are adequately protected against hearing loss, with many staff not fitting their protection correctly, exposing them to excessive noise that can lead to permanent irreversible health conditions including deafness, tinnitus, and dementia. Earplugtest tells you if your earplugs are fitted correctly.

If you use earplugs, you need to test them regularly to ensure you’re effectively protected against hearing loss and other serious medical conditions. Earplugs degrade over time so they are unlikely to be protecting you as effectively as you think. Earplugtest tells you whether your earplugs are working as they should.

Which means…
The fact is ongoing exposure to excessive noise can damage your hearing permanently, leading to impaired hearing and serious health conditions linked to it including dementia, tinnitus, and depression.
Find out more about the risks here.
Earplugtest was developed to provide a quick, simple, and effective way to test the effectiveness of your earplugs, available to everyone everywhere. It is the world’s first and only scientifically validated earplug test and was developed by Mark Ashmore, a pioneer in the field of acoustics, noise, and hearing. Read more about Mark here.
But the test is not just for individual users that work with sound and in loud and noisy environments; it is also for employers whose staff are at risk of hearing damage and loss.

With the rise in hearing loss compensation claims made against businesses, it’s in employers’ best interest to ensure staff are properly protected and the earplugs they use provide the protection required. Employers also have a legal obligation to protect the health of their staff, including their hearing. Read more about the legal obligations here.

Earplug manufacturers’ specifications are based on results gained in a laboratory from a small sample of people, not in real-world situations and environments. And with no UK or European standards for earplug performance (unlike in the US), there is no way of truly knowing whether the earplugs your staff use provide the protection they need.

Earplugtest is the fast, cost-effective, and simple solution, particularly if you want to improve your company’s hearing conservation programme or develop a programme to protect your staff. And remember, no special equipment or specialist staff are required, and the test can be done anywhere in less than 10 minutes.
Read more on the Employers page.